Ammodo Architecture
What is Ammodo Architecture?
What is the Ammodo Architecture Award?
How can I apply for an award?
How many applications will be awarded?
What types of projects qualify for the Ammodo Architecture Award?
What types of projects do not qualify for the Ammodo Architecture Award?
What is meant by ‘buildings’ and ‘spatial projects’?
For the Ammodo Architecture Award for Local Scale, is a project eligible if it has been designed but construction has not yet started?
What is the difference between Social Engagement and Social Architecture?
For the Ammodo Architecture Award for Social Architecture, what is meant by the oeuvre?
Is the region related to the location of the submitted project or to the origin of the architect?
What is the prize money associated with the Ammodo Architecture Award?
What happens after winning an award?
How often is the Ammodo Architecture Award granted?
What is being published on the website about an awarded project?
In which languages can I submit my application?
Can I submit more than one application?
Can I submit an application in more than one category?
Advisory Committee
Is there a Jury?
What assessment criteria are used by the advisory committee?
What is the role of the advisory committee?
How is the independence of the advisory committee ensured in the judging process?
What is the role of an ambassador?
Can an ambassador submit an application?
The Plan
What can a recipient of an award do with the prize money?
What is meant by the plan?
What is the time span in which the prize money should be used?
Does the plan have to be related to the project submitted for the award?
What is an administrator?
How will the plan be monitored?
What is Ammodo?
How does Ammodo use personal data?